Coping with Grief

Coping with Grief

After you have lost a loved one, coping with grief is a process that one should not have to face alone. Fremont Chapel of the Roses can be a valuable resource in living through the grieving process. Losing a loved one is undoubtedly the most heart-rending experience a person goes through in life. Perhaps because those around you are also coping with grief, you find yourself unable to share your feelings. You may not wish to burden family and friends while they are grieving as well. This is why you need a grieving companion; someone who can be your listening ear. The staff at Fremont Chapel of the Roses love nothing more than comforting people and helping them process grief.

Experiencing the death of someone you love is a life-altering experience. When someone dies, those around them lose a lot more than just a life. They lose a bond, a familiar life, and in some cases, the will to go on. That’s a lot of change to handle all at once. To make this sudden transition smoother, having someone to talk to can be comforting, and we understand that.

Since we work with families in mourning all the time, we know how someone’s world turns upside down after losing a beloved. Our understanding of grief allows us to be better at comforting those coping with it. Our online support is accessible 24/7 so that bereaved people can reach out to us whenever they want. If you are still not sure you can deal with the death of someone close to you, please reach out to us at Fremont Chapel of the Roses and allow us to be your companion in your journey towards healing. Call (510) 797-1900.

Coping with Grief – Fremont Chapel of the Roses