Funeral Services near Hayward CA
Fremont Chapel of the Roses provides funeral services near Hayward CA. We are the The Rose family. We own and operate Fremont Chapel of the Roses in Fremont CA- minutes from Hayward CA . When you are considering making funeral arrangements after experiencing the passing of a loved one, you will find this website very helpful. We offer this as a resource for taking the proper steps in creating a compassionate and dignified memorial and burial service for your loved one. We are a family business with 2 funeral homes based in Fremont California and serve the residents of Hayward as well as those in the surrounding communities.
We help grieving families plan and execute funerals, memorial services and life celebrations for their deceased loved ones. Our family and staff are dedicated to making the process less painful for the bereaved loved ones left behind. You are reading this because you have experienced the death of a spouse, child, parent – and are uncertain about what steps to take in planning a funeral. At Fremont Chapel of the Roses, we have a staff of caring funeral directors that will patiently guide you to make the plans that will result in a fitting tribute to your loved one. All our funeral services are carried out with dignity and the highest quality level of care possible.
Our philosophy is to assist the bereaved in planning a respectful and uplifting tribute, whatever type of services are planned. We encourage you to gather and celebrate the life in accordance with the wishes of the deceased and the family left behind in a manner that will honor the unique personality of the deceased. The ceremonial process is the first step in healing from your loss.
Fremont Chapel of the Roses offers a pre-payment arrangement for future funeral arrangements. Plan a dignified funeral for your loved one knowing the complete funeral was pre-arranged and paid for. When everything is done in advance, it makes passing of a loved one less stressful. A huge advantage of paying in advance is that you can pay now, at the current price regardless when the services will be needed and we can assure you that the costs for the funeral will be pre-paid. Ideally, you get to have the peace of mind knowing that the money you have paid is safe and will be kept in a funeral fund until the services are required. If you want the best funeral services in Hayward California and its surrounding areas, then do not hesitate to contact us. We are always available and willing to answer any questions you may have. Please get in touch with us today!
In this website we offer resources for grief counseling and support. With Fremont Chapel of the Roses, your family will find the compassion and attention to detail you expect during this most difficult time. We hope our website will serve as a useful resource to make immediate funeral arrangements for a dignified and compassionate memorial service and burial. Whether traditional or unique, paying tribute is the first step that will allow us to love, laugh, and live well again. Please call our friendly funeral director with any questions you may have. Our funeral directors are fully committed to assist you, so please, don’t hesitate to contact us for more details concerning your personal wishes. (510) 797-1900.