Who qualifies?

Any veteran with an honorable discharge.

What documentation do I need to provide?

A DD214 or honorable discharge certificate.

What am I entitled to?

1 Death Certificate
1 American Flag
A Honor Guard Service
A Headstone or Marker, Memorial Headstone
 or Marker
, or A Medallion
A plot for human remains or cremated remains at any national cemetery
A Presidential Memorial Certificate

military funeralHonors

Every branch is entitled to an honor guard service. It consists of playing taps, and folding and presenting an American flag to the family of the deceased.




National Cemeteries

The Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) National Cemetery Administration maintains 131 national cemeteries in 39 states (and Puerto Rico). Although there is not a VA national cemetery in every state, California is fortunate to have 9.

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